Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + song) wins! Good luck!
Clue #1: The song was released as a single by the same record label that released this song.
Clue #2: The song was released ten years ago. Eight years later, the guitarist known for working with this artist joined the band.
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + song) wins! Good luck!
Clue #1: The song was released as a single by the same record label that released this song.
Clue #2: The song was released ten years ago. Eight years later, the guitarist known for working with this artist joined the band.
And we have a winner! Congratulations Sofia! The right answer was of course Modest mouse - Never ending math equation.
Inget bra tips än men ville dela med mig av ett länktips:
Men Jimmie, we need to talk!
Är du otrogen, hänger du på andra internetsidor?!?!?!
Hahaha! Skämtar bara, håller med om att legogubbarna är söta.
Never ending math equation - Modest Mouse?
Jaa! Såklart det är.
Åååå. Den var ju svår!
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