Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer (artist + song) wins! Good luck!
Clue #1: Does it look familiar? Well it's the question formerly known as Question #92.
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer (artist + song) wins! Good luck!
Clue #1: Does it look familiar? Well it's the question formerly known as Question #92.
And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course Prince - Purple rain.
Kan det vara den gamla Prince-dängan Puple Rain
Nej, men den gamla dängan PuRple rain. Jag antar att det var den du menade. Den här gången var jag snäll :) men det gäller att vara noga med stavningen.
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