Sunday, April 20, 2008

Question #114 - completed!

Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer (artist + song) wins! Good luck!

Clue #1: All the members actually have dark hair.
Clue #2: One of the members in this band has produced the whole album. (That album cover might help you as well...)


And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course The long blondes - Separated by motorways.


Anonymous said...

Separation Road, Anna Ternheim

Anonymous said...

Det där var ju en väldigt bra gissning, men tyvärr inte rätt. Det är en låt jag söker.

Anonymous said...

The Long Blondes - Separated by Motorways. Tyckte den quizzen hade levt länge nog nu