Guess which artist/group it is!
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer wins! Good luck!
Important message: No child got hurt during the photo session.
Clue #1: Emo?
Clue #2: Radioactive man.
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer wins! Good luck!
Important message: No child got hurt during the photo session.
Clue #1: Emo?
Clue #2: Radioactive man.
And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course Fall out boy.
Aahhhhh va trött jag blir på det här. Att mina fina animationer bara försvinner hela tiden.
Den borde man ha tagit mycket tidigare.
Ja det borde man! Skämmes på er kära vänner! :)
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