Monday, July 5, 2010

Live quiz #12 'Drums' - Question #5 - completed!

The picture below is taken from a music video. Guess which video it is and the artist/group behind it. The theme is drums.

Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + song title) wins! The rules and the scoring are as usual. Good luck!

See you at 9 PM (21:00) CET.

Clue #1: The artist has collaborated with this band.

And we have a winner! Congratulations Bruuus! The right answer was of course Robyn - Who's that girl.


Bruuus said...

Robyn - Who's That Girl

Bruuus said...

Robyn - Who's That Girl

Quizzle fo' shizzle said...

Trumvirvel... rätt!

Tyvärr får man inte dubbelt så många poäng om man skriver samma rätta svar två gånger... Det hjälper liksom inte.

Bruuus said...

Äh, det var värt ett försök! Jag förstår faktiskt inte varför det blev så...