More than two years ago I started this quiz. Since it feels like we spend lot of time together I've decided to let us get to know each other a little bit better. I have written some questions and first up to answer them is our Quizzle fo' shizzle friend Bruuus.
Name/Nickname: Bruuus
The first record/tape I bought with my own money was: Chris Rea - Auberge
As a teenager, I spent most of the time listening to: The Cure
I often listen to music when: I work. Or am cleaning house.
I don't like to listen to music when: Nonono, I allways like listening to music. It's the other way around. I don't like doing stuff that prevents me from listening.
When I'm feeling a bit down and need to cheer up I listen to: Avalanches, The Tough Alliance, Embassy och Lorentz & M. Sakarias. And Morrissey depending on the situation.
Even if you paid me lots of money, I would never attend a concert with: E-type
I always felt that this song reflects my life: That's personal... I have several... Let's say In My Secret Place with The Magnetic Fields.
Please don't laugh at me, but I really really really like this artist/group/song/album: Midi, Maxi & Efti
(Even if I never dance) this song makes me wanna get up on the dancefloor: Magic System feat Khaled - Même pas fatigué
I never understood why this artist/group has sold tons of records: U2. Or Metallica. I could go on...
This artist/group/song makes me turn off the radio: Bullet - Bite the bullet
My biggest/coolest music moment(s) (feel free to brag): One was when a dear friend of mine was brought up on stage to perform with Vive la Fete... Or the time when Bad Cash Quartets drummer tried to stage dive on me and my friend who by reflex stepped aside... Bob Hunds concert in Norrköping this summer was unforgettable... As was my first concert with Morrissey in Solnahallen 1997. The whole audience was singing along to every song but two. I guess that's it.
The concert with Morrissey is one of Bruuus' biggest/coolest music momentsLatest (musical) discovery: I must say Patrick Wolf.
Best album cover: Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me (The Cure) or Animals (Pink Floyd). I'll go with Pink Floyd.
Worst album cover: I try to focus my energy on the things I like.
Best music video: Daft punk - 5555 - The Story of The Secret Star System.
Worst music video: -
Best concert: Bob Hund (in Norrköping 2009-07-04)
Bob hund, best concert according to BruuusWorst concert: -
Best bandname: The Cure
Worst bandname: -
Favorite Quizzle fo' shizzle question: The Cure - A ForestThanks for answering the questions Bruuus! Finally, you obviously like music, is there anything else you'd like to share with us?I had this car one winter and I had to disconnect the battery everytime I turned it off. That meant that the CD allways started from track one. The car was awfull but I still remember it as perhaps the best time of my life as it allways played Barrington Levy's "Englishman" for me, everytime I turned it on...
Bruuus' car
I'm curious of the rest of you as well! Don't be shy, copy the questions above, answer them with your own words and send them to quizzlefoshizzle[at]gmail[dot]com. I will publish your answers here on the blog. You decide which questions you want to answer, and If you have any photos that illustrates your answers, please send them to me as well (of course it's okay just to send me your answers without any pictures) .