Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Question #149 - completed!

Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + song) wins! Good luck!

I received this note today and it really made my day, I'm still smiling and I can't stop jumping up and down and... OK, I admit... I didn't receive this note - I made it myself!! I had to, since I never get any nice notes...

Clue #1: It's also the name of the album.



And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course TLC - FanMail.


Anonymous said...

Efter att Bruuus vaknat till så känner jag att jag kan kasta mig på hästen igen.

Letade först efter alla tänkbara låtar/album med ironi i titeln men förgäves. ;)

Istället fastnade jag för TLCs låt/album FanMail från 1999.

God Jul alla Quizzlers

Quizzle fo' shizzle said...

Ironi? Vaaaa? Vad är det??? HAHAHA!