Saturday, June 28, 2008

Question #128 - completed!

Guess which album it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + album title) wins! Good luck!

As I was looking through my photos from my birthday last year, I realized that one of them looked just like an album cover. Can you guess which album?

Tack J & J för blommorna! Inte kunde ni ana att ni skulle bidra till mitt lilla quiz. :)

Clue #1: The singer in this band has contributed to an album especially made for children. Other contributors are this, this and this band.

And we have a winner! Congratulations Sofia! The right answer was of course Low - Secret name.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Question #127 - completed!

Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + song) wins! Good luck!


And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course The Thrills - Whatever happened to Corey Haim?.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Question #126 - completed!

Guess which album it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + album title) wins! Good luck!

Everything around me is dancing.

Clue #1: One of the songs on the album is about the woman who baked the cake for one of this band's album covers.


And we have a winner! Congratulations Sofia! The right answer was of course Aidan Smith - At home with Aidan Smith.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Question #125 - completed!

Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + song) wins! Good luck!

Clue #1: Stockholm



And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course Dolly Parton - Coat of many colors.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Question #124 - completed!

Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist/group + song) wins! Good luck!

Well... what can I say. I better post this one before I change my mind. :) Now there's not much more to add about me; you know which day I go to the opera, the optician and when I throw someone a birthday party.


And we have a winner! Congratulations Sofia! The right answer was of course Safety scissors - 7 glasses a day/7 days a week.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Question #123 - completed!

Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist + song) wins! Good luck!

Clue #1: This band doesn't care about it.
Clue #2: I wouldn't want to meet them on a Saturday or Sunday.


And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course Vampire weekend - Oxford comma.

Sunday, June 1, 2008