Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist + song) wins! Good luck!
Clue #1: Month.
Clue #2: You don't have to come from the same country as these guys to understand Clue #1, but it might help.
Write your answer under Comments. The person with the first right answer (artist + song) wins! Good luck!
Clue #1: Month.
Clue #2: You don't have to come from the same country as these guys to understand Clue #1, but it might help.
And we have a winner! Congratulations Jufvas! The right answer was of course Avril Lavigne - Sk8er boi.
Avril Lavigne med Sk8er Boi
Lite fegt att ingen ens vågade gissa förrän efter två ledtrådar. Vad såg det ut som liksom? Så fult ritar jag väl inte. :)
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