Guess which album it is!
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer (artist + album title) wins! Good luck!
Clue #1: The artist is also lead singer in a British band.
Clue #2: Ashton.
Clue #3: Claire Denis.
Clue #4: The composer/musician who wrote the music to a film about a quirky and introvert Parisian, contributs to the album.

And we have a winner! Congratulations Bruuus! The right answer was of course Stuart A. Staples - Lucky dog recordings 03-04.
I would try : "Tindersticks" with their album "Curtains".
That was a very good guess, but not the correct answer.
Ok, I'll bust this one open...
Stuart A Staples -
lucky dog recordings
He is of course the lead singer of Tindersticks.
Bruuus, that's correct!
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