Friday, February 22, 2008

Question #103 - completed!

Guess which song it is!
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer (artist + song) wins! Good luck!

Clue #1: The artist grew up both in Europe and Asia.


And we have a winner! Congratulations Bruuus! The right answer was of course M.I.A. - Mango pickle down river.


Anonymous said...

Aha, så det är en mango... Såg ut som en oliv ju. M.I.A. - Mango Pickle Down River.

Anonymous said...

Hur stora oliver brukar du äta??

Anonymous said...

Åh, förlåt! Jag har helt missat att alla bilder varit korrekt skalenliga. Ska skärpa mig nu!