Sunday, November 18, 2007

Question #79 - completed!

Guess which album it is!
Write your answer under "Comments". The person with the first right answer (artist + album title) wins! Good luck!

I tried to recreate an album cover with a pair of scissors and a newspaper and... well I thought the real cover was a bit boring. Or maybe I was bored, I don't remember. :)

Clue #1: The band name is also a song title from another British band.
Clue #2: That same song was covered by an American one-man-band. He once claimed that these guys were playing at his house.



And we have a winner! Congratulations Jimmie! The right answer was of course Slowdive - Pygmalion.


Anonymous said...

Efter de fina ledtrådarna letade jag mig fram till bandet Slowdive och de har gett ut en platta som heter Pygmalion vars omslag är utomordentligt likt det som du skapat.

Anonymous said...

Jaaaaa! Visst var det bra ledtrådar! Och visst var det likt! Jag tycker dock att omslaget blev lite roligare på mitt sätt. Men tack så mycket för de fina orden, jag är en lättflörtad flicka, smicker går alltid hem hos mig.