Sunday, August 26, 2007

Let's clean this place up!

I think that you might be curious of the questions not being answered yet? Therefore, I will not post any new questions for a couple of days, only clues. But don't worry, I have a bunch of new questions waiting for you!

And remember, everyone is welcome and join this quiz. Next month, I will introduce a new high score, which means that there will be two high scores; one for September and one Total.



Anonymous said...

Ok, då var det uppstädat! Jag kräver mer frågor nu!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, har jag redan lyckats skapa shizzle-abstinens? ;)

Jodå, nu är det dags för nya frågor. Kan dock inte säga exakt när de kommer såklart. Men snart så!! :)